
"The Seven Painters" are a group of Newcastle (Australia) painters.

Since the year 2000 they have met together on a weekly basis to paint and draw.  Currently The Seven Painters consist of Jennifer Finnie, Patricia Williamsz, Andrew Finnie, Michael Bateman, Malcolm Sands, Neville Cottee and Sarah Knights.

The aim of the group is to share ideas, critiques and motivation. Presently they have regular workshops and figure drawing sessions and have had a succession of well known painters/artists (for example Jill Orr, Paul Pulati and Anne McNeil-Pulati , John Turier) come and share their knowledge.
Though each of the Seven Painters has a professional career, art is a prime creative motivating factor in their lives. With this in mind they have group exhibitions on a regular basis.

For subject matter, some find pleasure in images derived from Newcastle's industry, the harbour, or the city's mixture of old and new buildings.

Others paint images suggested by the surrounding 'forest' and map the light patterns that disperse across the contours of the native tree trunks and grasses.

Then there are Newcastle's beaches - by day, and at twilight, and at dawn.

And, lastly there are internal landscapes. The subject matter in these particular paintings is as varied as the images that flit across a man's subconscious mind.

You can find at least one of them most evenings at Studio 17, in the Newcastle Community Art Centre, Parry Street Newcastle West.

The Seven Painters have had many favourable reviews of their work and would like to especially thank Kerrie Coles, Jill Stowell and Una Rey for their kind support.

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