Note for the Seven Painters:
Hi everyone, I made this blog where you can stick pictures of your work if you like. We were lucky enough to get! I can see that you all thrilled....... Ha, I am so funny.
The advantage of this blog is you can put your own work up here if you like, without my interceding. You can also edit your posts at a later time etc.
You can make comments on other people work etc if you like. Ho.
How to? Make your images about 800 pixels maximum width or depth, save them as png format for better quality, but jpg and tiff and gif are okay. This will keep the image sizes down for posting.
Log into gmail using the gmail account with the password I sent you.
Come to this page. At the top right hand of the page you will 'sign in'. Click this and you will get a page listing your blogs. Click SevenPainters.
Now in the top right you also have an opportunity to "new post". Right click this and choose 'open in new tab". That way you will have these instructions still open while you work.
Click this. You will then be taken to a new window where you can right text into a box. Along the top of this box there are some Icons. The one next to the "Link" icon is a small picture. Click on this and you will get a pop up window. There is a button that says "Choose File". Click this and you will have to navigate the directory structure of your computer to find the image file of your art-work that you have already to go.
Wait for a while and when the image is loaded click the button that says "Okay". Your image will magically appear in the window that you have been typing in.
Click the image and a small horizontal menu will be appear that lets you choose between "Small Large Centre Left etc." Select XLarge and Centre.
Say anything you like about the painting, but make sure you add a label with your name and any other labels you like. Not too many though. I have put a few labels in for you to choose from (see box at bottom right).
Add four spaces above and four below will give it good spacing
Then in the bottom right hand side you will see "Labels" choose Show All and click on the appropriate label - eg your name.
Then when all is done have a look down the bottom of the window at the bottom left and click the button that says "Publish Post".
Then in the next window click "View Blog".
The last post is always at the top of the blog. People can find your name by clicking in the area called "labels". If for example they click "acrylic' then all paintings labelled acrylic will turn up. Same for the name "Patricia Williamsz" etc.
I will put up a few examples to get it going. Any questions so far? No? Good.
see you Friday, if not before.